The LAST thing GREAT LAKES Filter wants to do is select your filtration system. Before that, let’s take a closer look at your filter problem and evaluate the following determinants:
- Nature of fluid
- Operating conditions
- Required micron retention
- Flow rate
- Initial (clean) pressure drop
If assistance in establishing these values is required, we offer the following:
- Laboratory Analysis
- Consultation with your GREAT LAKES field representative
Filter Selection
Laboratory Analysis
Samples can be analyzed for percentage of contamination by gravimetric methods using the membrane filter technique. Particle size can be determined by microscopic examination or Coulter Counter.
Laboratory Pilot Run
Submission of five gallon samples enables our laboratory to actually filter the material and return a filtered sample for approval.
Pilot Filter
A single tube or disc for pilot testing can provide reliable information to project full scale operation.
Photo Processing Filters
Cartridge selection includes a broad variety of cleanable and disposable designs covering a wide spectrum of particulate removal applications from 0.2 to 200 micron.
Parker manufactures a complete line of vessels for liquid and gas filtration. Standard models accept one to 264 ten inch cartridges, flows up to 2640 GPM. For special situations, pressures, temperatures and aggressive fluids vessels can be designed and constructed to your specifications.
Stainless Steel Filter Elements
State of the Art precision metallic elements designed for extremes of temperature, viscosity and pressure. Dynaloy sintered, stainless steel fiber elements are available down to fractional micron ratings…integrated with complete back flushing systems, efficient removal of gels and colloidal suspensions is now practical.
Membrane Filter Products
A new generation of membranes features graduated pore sizes from 10-20 microns upstream side to 0.1 micron downstream. This results in lower P, higher flow rate, and increased total through-put, ensuring longer filter service life.
Water Purification ION Exchange Products
From your raw water sample we can determine the type of system required to reduce contamination to specified levels. Whatever the application…boiler feed, pure and safe for drinking, reagent grade…a turnkey system comprised of:
- Filters
- Demineralizers
- Reverse Osmosis
- Degasifiers
- Ultra-violet sterilizers
pumps and peripheral equipment can be designed and assembled to provide your specific water requirements.
Laboratory units and conventional systems shipped from stock…custom systems take a little longer.
Waste Water Treatment and Recovery Systems
Filpaco Products
- Filter Paper
- Press Cloth
- Filter Pads
The highest quality products are of value when selected to optimize clarity, flow rate & wet strength…as much art as science. With 40 years success in industrial applications. Great Lakes technicians are well positioned to work with you.
Liquid Pressure Vessels and Bags
These economical filter systems provide high flow rates, high dirt loading and low pressure drops. FLO-RITE bags of micron rated felts and fabrics are featured for use in vessels of all standard materials. Bag changing is fast and clean!
Coolant Media
Since GREAT LAKES FILTER pioneered the use of nonwoven fabrics for coolant filtration, you can count on our technical experience in choosing the right media for your application. We stock all types in standard put-ups…special widths and roll lengths readily available.
Custom Bags for Liquids and Air
Specialty bags are routine for GREAT LAKES FILTER. Bags for grinders, pellet handling, sand blasting and plating are all engineered to your specifications. Whatever your application or quantity, we can design and manufacture the right bag for your job!
Dust Collector Bags
More goes into our bags than dust! Fabric is of primary importance. That’s why we devote so much attention and care to proper material selection. Each lot is tested and certified at the textile mill and verified in our plant laboratory. This assures you get what you specify; whether OEM replacement bags.
Benefit from new, more efficient fabrics and bag design.
Cages and Accessories
Air Filtration Products
GREAT LAKES can always supply the right air media. For maximum economy, extended surface, pleated filters provide three times the efficiency and three times the life at only twice the cost of common disposables. For more critical applications, bag type and HEPA are recommended.
Flexible Connecting Sleeves
FLEX-SOCKS, the durable connectors for vibrating and gyratory screeners, afford easy installation, won’t flake and contaminate products, have excellent abrasion resistance and can fit any size, any shape. AND – if that’s not enough – FLEX-SOCKS cost less and outlast molded rubber.
Air Maze Products
There’s every reason to have the RIGHT filter…not just one that looks like the filter that came on your equipment.
This explains the continuing preference for AIR MAZE filters, breathers, and air/oil separators. Manufactures install them on compressors, engines and blowers because they provide efficient contamination protection and are built to last. Manufactures don’t compromise quality…why should you?
At GREAT LAKES most popular AIR MAZE filters, filter elements and air/oil separators in stock.
Intake Filters Air/Oil Separators
Replacement filter elements and cartridges to fit these housings:
Filtration Equipment not illustrated:
- Oil reclamation systems
- Filter screens, strainers and baskets
- Water/oil separators
- Flat bed filters
- Cyclonic Separators
- Sand Filters