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Air Bags For Automobiles

September 4, 2019

Introduction The term automobile means all kind of textile component e.g. fibers, filament, yarn and fabric used in transportation like cars, train, buses, air planes and marine vehicles. Over 15-20 different kinds of fabric are used in automobiles. Automotive textiles are engineered fabrics to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive automobile manufacturer requirement. Textiles… Continue reading Air Bags For Automobiles

Filtration Fabrics – Principles, Classification & Applications

August 14, 2019

Filtration is a mechanical or physical operation which is used for separation of solids from fluid (liquid/gas) by interposing a filtering media through which any fluid can pass. The above fig. Shows the simplest arrangement of filtering operation where a filtering media over which material to be filtered is fed by separation. During this process,… Continue reading Filtration Fabrics – Principles, Classification & Applications

Non-Woven Fabrics

August 7, 2019

Nonwovens do not depend on the interlacing of yarn for internal cohesion. Intrinsically they have neither an organized geometrical structure. They are essentially the result of the relationship between one single fiber and another. This provides nonwoven fabrics with characteristics of their own, with new or better properties (absorption, filtration) and therefore opens them up… Continue reading Non-Woven Fabrics

What is Aerospace Textile | Application of Aerospace Textiles

July 31, 2019

Technical Textiles:  The technical textiles are defined as textile materials and products manufactured primarily for their technical performance and functional properties rather than their aesthetic or decorative characteristics. Categories of Technical Textile:  Depending on the product characteristics, functional requirements and end-use applications the highly diversified range of technical textile products has been grouped into categories: Agro Textiles (Agriculture,… Continue reading What is Aerospace Textile | Application of Aerospace Textiles

Non-Woven In Filtration – A Review | Types Of Filtration | Scope Of Filtration

July 24, 2019

“Water filtration is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gasses from contaminated water. The goal is to produce safe and clean water for a specific purpose. In past years, nonwovens have been seen as pillagers in the filtration market, taking market share and applications from other types of media such… Continue reading Non-Woven In Filtration – A Review | Types Of Filtration | Scope Of Filtration

Classification and Applications of Technical Textiles

July 24, 2019

Technical Textiles: Technical textiles are reported to be the fastest growing sector of the textile industrial sector. A technical textile is a textile that has been developed to meet the exacting specified high-performance requirements of a particular end-use other than conventional clothing and furnishings. In many cases, specially developed technical yarns are employed to support… Continue reading Classification and Applications of Technical Textiles

Application Of Nonwoven In Filtration

July 17, 2019

Nonwoven filter media in their simplest forms are random fiber structures, usually in sheet form, that are used to separate one or more phases from a moving fluid passing through the media. Filtration is generally perceived as the removal of particulate phases from the moving fluid by entrapping the particulate matter in the tortuous structure… Continue reading Application Of Nonwoven In Filtration

12 Applications of Technical Textiles | 12 Types of Technical Textiles

July 17, 2019

Scope of Technical Textiles in Different Sector: Technical textiles have brought significant changes in the modern technology. It contributes not only in textile sector but also medical, civil and others engineering sector. Thought technical textiles have attracted considerable attention but the uses of fiber, yarn, fabric for different applications other than clothing and furnishing is… Continue reading 12 Applications of Technical Textiles | 12 Types of Technical Textiles

Definition of Textile. Importance and uses of Textile

July 10, 2019

What is Textile : The word ‘textile’ is from Latin, from the adjective textilis, meaning ‘woven’, from textus, the past participle of the verb texere, ‘to weave’. A textile (often called cloth or fabric) is a flexible artificial material made up of a network of natural or artificial fibers (thread or yarn) formed by weaving or knitting (textiles),… Continue reading Definition of Textile. Importance and uses of Textile

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