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A General Filtration Process

April 15, 2020

Filtration is a simple technique used to separate solid particles from suspension in a liquid solution. There are many filtration methods available, but all are based on the same general principle: a heterogenous mixture is poured over a filter membrane. The filter membrane has pores of a particular size. Particles larger than the pores will be unable to… Continue reading A General Filtration Process


April 8, 2020

Filtration is the process by which solid materials are removed from a fluid mixture, either a gas or liquid mixture. Anyone who has ever prepared foods in a kitchen has probably seen one of the simplest forms of filtration. After cooking pasta, for example, the contents of the pot may be poured through a colander… Continue reading Filtration

Filter Membrane

April 1, 2020

Filtration is a common technique for mechanically separating gases or liquids. A filter membrane serves as a barrier to enable ion exchange, removing macromolecules or bacteria from solution, separating colloids, or recovering gases. Some uses for filtration include producing clean drinking water, generating safe food products, and ensuring a clean environment. It is used for petro-chemical… Continue reading Filter Membrane

What Are Some Examples of Filtration?

March 25, 2020

Filtration is the method through which solids are taken out of a liquid or gas combination. Examples of filtration include coffee filters to split up the coffee from the grounds, belt filters for extraction of precious metals, HEPA filters for air conditioning, pneumatic conveying systems, sparkler filters and Buchner funnels. Experiments to see if microscopic… Continue reading What Are Some Examples of Filtration?


March 25, 2020

One of the main industries that benefited from the Industrial Revolution was the textile industry.  The textile industry was based on the development of cloth and clothing.  Before the start of the Industrial Revolution, which began in the 1700s, the production of goods was done on a very small scale.  Historians refer to this method of production as… Continue reading TEXTILE MANUFACTURING IN THE ​INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION

Filtration Explained

March 18, 2020

Filtration is the separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid by means of a porous medium, screen or filter cloth, which retains the solids and allows the liquid to pass through. Field of application Filtration is used in the food, drink and milk industry to fulfil the following functions: • to clarify liquid… Continue reading Filtration Explained

Important Terms and Definitions of Fabric Manufacturing Technology

March 18, 2020

Textile Terms and Definitions: In our daily life of textile industry, a lot of terms have to face, where some are known and rest of those are unknown to us. This article has presented some important textile terminology from fabric manufacturing technology. Different Terms and Definitions of Weaving Technology: There are some important textile terms and definitions which are vastly used… Continue reading Important Terms and Definitions of Fabric Manufacturing Technology

Types of Filtration

March 11, 2020

Filtration Definition :- The separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid with the help of a porous medium or screen which retains the solids and allows the liquid to pass is termed as filtration. The operation of separating a solid from a liquid by means of a porous medium (usually a wire or fabric filter… Continue reading Types of Filtration

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