What Are Some Examples of Filtration?

Filtration is the method through which solids are taken out of a liquid or gas combination. Examples of filtration include coffee filters to split up the coffee from the grounds, belt filters for extraction of precious metals, HEPA filters for air conditioning, pneumatic conveying systems, sparkler filters and Buchner funnels.

Experiments to see if microscopic organisms are present include comparing the result of water going in unglazed porcelain and unfiltered water. If filtered water is left in containers that are sealed, the water takes a longer time to go bad. This shows that filtration can move tiny items from fluids. Inside of the kidney, the filtration of blood inside of the glomerulus is known as renal filtration. From there, selective reabsorption of several substances are important to enable homeostasis inside of the body.

Filtration is a key part of chemistry because it separates materials that have different chemical makeups. In order to dissolve a component without affecting another component, a solvent is selected. One of the components will enter the solution and go through the filter, while the other will be kept. Because there isn’t a filter medium, filtration is different from the displacement of magnetic contaminants such as lubrication oil, fuel oil and coolants.

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