Converter Round Up

Converting companies are an integral part of the nonwovens supply chain. For all of the advantages the industry’s products provide, a lot has to happen prior to their end use. Nonwovens need to be cut into a variety of shapes and sizes, scaled down to become a single-use product, as well as printed, packaged and more. Sometimes the process is simple, and sometimes more complex, with converting companies using the latest technology to add value to products and make them easier to use. The following is a compilation of capabilities and services of some the nonwovens industry’s leading converters.

Athea Laboratories
Athea Laboratories continues capital investment in new machinery to further improve manufacturing capabilities. The purchase of a second new high speed perforator machine and additional high volume mixing tank emphasize Athea’s capabilities as a full turnkey wet wipes and liquid product manufacturer with the ability to handle all of its manufacturing in house.

With over 50 years of experience, Athea Laboratories is a leader in specialty wipes, liquid and powder contract manufacturing and packaging. Its expertise and experience gives companies an extensive variety of product formats to serve numerous end-user markets with private label products. As an EPA and FDA facility, Athea’s manufacturing capabilities include custom wipe converting, custom formula development, blending services, on-site chemists, formula-substrate compatibility testing, graphics, and technical and regulatory support. Athea can offer companies turnkey solutions to their packaging needs at low minimums.

Read more: Converter Round Up

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