Featured: 7 Weird And Unexpected Business Pivots During The Coronavirus Pandemic

We are proud to continue to serve our community during this pandemic through the making of KN 95s respirator masks and we are thankful to be featured among other companies doing the same.

According to John Brandon with Forbes:

“If there is anything we have learned from the coronavirus pandemic it is that human beings are amazingly resourceful. Just the other day I heard about a friend who decided to repurpose some old materials into protective masks and offer them for free to people in need.

“In the midst of the tragedy, there are signs of hope. From a business standpoint, I’m amazed at some of the companies who have pivoted to help in this great time of need. A doomsayer would suggest these pivots are to keep revenue up — as if that’s a bad thing. My view is that there is something quite impressive about all of these pivots considering none of them really fit the previous business model. People are working and helping. That’s encouraging.

“Here are a few of the strangest and most unexpected pivots I’ve found.

“1. A furniture store makes protective equipment
Transformations Furniture pivoted from making furniture to making personal protective equipment. Specifically, they are making Personal Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) hoods — about 2,000 of them per day.

“2. A laundry service pivots to help the elderly
Washbnb was originally intended to be a company that helps those running an AirBnB wash and fold their linens. As of recently, they are providing laundry services to elderly and immunocompromised instead.

“3. A self-assessment app to check symptoms
I like what the sepsis testing and tracking company Luminare is doing in the age of coronavirus. They built an app to help any patient do a self-assessment. It works in three states so far.

“4. Using an empty Kmart to decontaminate masks
Once again, a realty company is not the first entity I’d expect to take on N95 decontamination masks, but that’s exactly what Federal Realty is doing. They converted an old Kmart into a warehouse to disinfect masks.

“5. Using 3D printers to make plastic face shields
I’m impressed with a cycle apparel company called Kitsbow that is using 3D printers to make plastic masks. They are also sewing masks.

“6. 100% pivot to create respirator masks
Acme Mills is a Michigan based company that normally makes car parts and textiles. They have switched completely to making KN 95S respirator masks, delivering 90,000 of them already to Beaumont Hospital nearby.

“7. Donating a meal to those in need
Sometimes, a pivot is so strange it might just become the normal business. Ani Ramen House decided to pivot by offering pizza and chicken, which they sell to customers through a window. When a customer buys a meal, they donate one to someone in need.”

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